Call for Applications – 2024 Dormant Account Funds, Action 6.3 National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy

The 2024 Dormant Accounts Fund (DAF) Action Plan outlines measures and funding across 11 Departments. It approves funding of €47.6 million which will fund 52 measures across Government Departments, in line with the relevant legislation. The 2024 DAF Action Plan is attached for ease of reference, reflects the funding made available through the estimates process.
DRCD have responsibility for a number of actions in the National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy including the following action that we would like to progress –
- Action 6.3 – Take measures to ensure that existing community infrastructure is inclusive and welcoming to LGBTI+ people and consider the provision of pop-up LGBTI+ services.
The 2024 Dormant Accounts Fund Action Plan includes the provision of €150k to support LGBTI+ Community Organisations.
Under this measure, funding will be allocated to help provide services to LGBTI+ organisations nationwide targeting marginalised people experiencing exclusion on account of their LGBTI+ identities. Research shows that LGBTI+ individuals living in small towns or rural areas can be very isolated that is brought about by a combination of factors including LGBTI+ identities and difficulty coming out, age, lack of LGBTI+ friendly spaces and geographical gaps in community supports. There is a need for ‘safe’/LGBTI+ friendly spaces that don’t centre on alcohol. It is accepted that it is not possible to have physical centres in every rural location and so many of the community groups are keen to do outreach work.
In line with previous years, we would like to give LGBTI+ organisations another opportunity to avail of funding.
Funding will be available to organisations locally for the provision of services that will include:
- Extending drop-in hours, developing information and guidance tools, holding additional community events
- Delivering LGBTI awareness/sensitivity training in healthcare settings, businesses, schools etc.
- Providing outreach support
- Providing sporting/physical activity programmes to promote inclusion, community participation, health and wellbeing
Based on your local knowledge and expertise, we would ask you to assist in identifying organisations in your area in need of this funding support. Please complete the attached 2024 DAF application form and return with supporting documents to by C.O.B., 4th October 2024.
The following conditions apply:
- Up to 3 proposals to be submitted per LCDC with an indicative priority; No.1 being the highest priority and so on
- Funding request per proposal subject to a minimum of €3K and up to a maximum of €20k
- If more than one proposal is submitted, the cumulative total cannot exceed €50k
Please note only completed applications submitted by LCDC Chief Officers will be accepted.
All applications will be reviewed by the Department and notification of the decision will issue no later than 31st October 2024.
Please note: There is no guarantee that all applications will be allocated the funding requested.
Funding allocated must be fully expended by 30th November 2025, it is important that the amount sought is realistic to ensure a full spend during this timeframe.