Azure: Dementia-Inclusive Gallery Tours at the Solstice Arts Centre, Navan

Fri 27 Sep, Fri 25 Oct, Fri 29 Nov & Fri 20 Dec | 11am (90mins) | Free, booking required
Join us for guided exhibition tours specifically designed to support people living with dementia and their family, friends or professional carers. Engage at a relaxed pace and explore up to three artworks in our gallery spaces on level 3. Looking and discussing art in the moment together, these social tours are followed by complimentary tea/coffee in Solstice Café.
Azure Tours take place on the last Friday of every month during our exhibitions. Each tour comprises of small groups of up to 8 people. We are flexible in our planning, so please get in touch if these dates or times do not suit you.
For more information or to book, please contact Deirdre on 046 9092300 or by email at
Deirdre, Solstice Learning and Public Engagement Coordinator, facilitates these inclusive events, and is trained in Azure tours through The Azure Steering Group, comprised of Age & Opportunity, IMMA (Irish Museum of Modern Art), Butler Gallery and The Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland.