Community Centre Investment Fund 2024: opening for applications on July 29th

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  • Grants of up to €100,000 available to upgrade existing Community Centres
  • Wide range of works eligible for funding including Refurbishment of Kitchens & Toilets, Upgrades to Windows & Doors, Energy Efficiency Upgrades & Improving access for people with disabilities 
  • Application Guidelines CCIF 2024 are available here
  • Please find a copy of a CCIF Information presentation here: Download or View
  • Application opens on the 29th July 2024. Application portal link is here

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, announced on 14th June 2024 €20 million in funding to support the upgrade and refurbishment of community centres across the country.

Under the Community Centres Investment Fund 2024, community organisations will be supported with grants of between €10,000 – €100,000 to develop and enhance their existing community facilities. 

This capital fund of €20 million will provide funding for the improvement and refurbishment of existing community centres in both urban and rural areas.

Funding will be available under 2 Categories, with grants of between €10,000 and €100,000 available:

  • Category 1: Small scale projects/improvements to facilities – €10,000 to €25,000
  • Category 2 Larger scale projects – €25,001 to €100,000

Match funding is required for both Categories: a minimum of 5% for Category 1 and a minimum of 10% for Category 2.

Funding is available for capital works such as: –

  • Projects which improve access for all to community facilities
  • Works to improve communal facilities such as kitchen and toilet facilities
  • Improvements to buildings that improve the usability of the facility e.g. kitchen and toilet upgrades, lighting systems and stage areas
  • Improvements that will assist the applicant in providing additional or better services to the community for example additional facilities, repurposing existing space, kitchen upgrades to provide meals for the elderly and youth facilities
  • Improvements to facilities which are necessary to meet fire safety and building regulations
  • Retrofitting/energy upgrade projects that improve the usability or longevity of the facility and reduce energy bills
  • Essential maintenance work

How to Apply

The ‘Community Centre Investment Fund 2024 – Refurbishment’ will provide grants for projects from €10,000 up to a maximum of €100,000 towards capital costs. 

This is broken down into two categories of funding:

Category 1: Small scale projects/improvements to facilities: €10,000 – €25,000

Category 2: Larger scale projects: €25,001 to €100,000.

The scheme will be delivered in conjunction with Pobal. 

All applicants must register as ‘users’ on the online portal in advance of the application process which will open on 29th July 2024.

Groups that applied for this fund previously will not need to register again but should check that their details are still correct. 

Groups are strongly advised to get their application and paperwork ready in advance of the application process opening on 29th July. 

The closing date for applications will be 29th August 2024

There will be a number of online information events to assist potential applicants, the first of which took place on Tuesday 25th June.

Please find a copy of the CCIF Information presentation here: Download or View

All materials to support applicants including access to the online portal, template application form, guidelines, FAQ, links to tutorials and details on information sessions can be found at the Department of Rural & Community Development website

Application Guidelines – Community Centres Investment Fund 2024: Refurbishment Grant: Download or View

Source: https://www.gov.ie/en/service/fec91-community-centres-investment-fund/

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