Circular Economy Innovation Grant Scheme (CEIGS)

The Circular Economy Innovation Grant Scheme (CEIGS) is a Government of Ireland initiative led by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC).
The purpose of this grants scheme is to provide support to projects which work in the Circular Economy space, with the aim of advancing the Circular Economy in Ireland and raising awareness of the need to transition to a Circular Economy.
By funding circular economy projects and enterprises, the CEIGS directly supports the growth of the circular economy in Ireland and provides high-profile examples of best practice.
The CEIGS was established by Minister Smyth in April 2021, and since that first call, CEIGS funding totalling €1,135,107 has been awarded to 23 projects covering wide range of circular economy themes including food waste, plastics, single-use plastics, packaging, construction, textiles and general waste.
This year, the grant scheme will be administered in partnership with Community Foundation Ireland. Community Foundation Ireland is a philanthropic hub that brings together donors, grantees and communities who share a vision of positive social change. The organisation has demonstrated considerable success in disbursing grants to diverse groups and organisations under various thematic pillars.
Due to the growing success of the scheme, Community Foundation Ireland will be providing a dedicated team that will collaborate with DECC to manage the application, evaluation and administrative processes of the scheme as well as supporting the successful grant applicants.
More details on the application process for the CEIGS are available on the Community Foundation Ireland website.