Climate Conversations: national consultation

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People and communities across Ireland invited to have their say on a transition to a low-carbon future

To take part and have your say, individuals and communities can visit the Climate Conversations portal and share views on our collective goals,

The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications today launched Climate Conversations 2024 which invites people and communities from across the country to have their say on how we can achieve a transition to a competitive, low carbon economy and society by 2050 in a way that is fair and that works best for people and the planet.

Importantly, Climate Conversation 2024 will feed into, and shape, the next iteration of the Climate Action Plan, which will mark a crucial mid-way point in Ireland’s shift to halve our emissions by 2030.

Climate Conversations includes a large-scale online survey as well as in-person consultation events where people can have their say on what climate action means to them personally, as well as on a local and national level. Last year we found that, overall, people:

  • are concerned about climate change
  • are taking action, and want to do more
  • want ‘ambitious’ leadership and climate action in their communities, as well as clear communication from Government

These findings have directly informed Climate Action Plan 2024.

Insights from the Climate Conversations have also guided the Government’s Climate Actions Work campaign – a new, first of its kind national engagement and communications campaign on climate which has been operating at a grass roots level since its launch in early April and which will be amplified further from June on with a creative multi-media advertisement campaign.

Climate Actions Work focuses on hearing from, and working with, local communities – talking to people where they are at about climate change and the climate actions that will work for them best. Over the coming year, it will work with groups up and down the country to shine a light on the huge amount of climate action that is already taking place, to provide support and resources to groups that need it, and to encourage more people to get involved in talking about, thinking about and initiating climate actions.

To take part and have your say, individuals and communities can visit the Climate Conversations portal and share views on our collective goals, what has been achieved, and what more could be done to support communities on climate action.

Source: https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/bc512-national-consultation-on-climate-conversations-launches/

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