Meath Biodiversity Action Plan 2025 – 2030: Consultation

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Following the launch of the 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan, all local authorities are required to have Biodiversity Action Plans in place by the end of 2026. With the appointment of a Biodiversity Officer, supported by the Heritage Council’s Biodiversity Officer Programme, Meath County Council are commencing this process and plan to finalise a Local Authority Biodiversity Action Plan by early 2025.

With the support of the Meath Biodiversity Working Group and Meath Heritage Forum, Meath County Council would like to hear your views on nature and your ideas on how we should be addressing the biodiversity crisis at a local level. 

For more information see the discussion paper below.

Pre-Draft Discussion Paper – Meath Biodiversity Action Plan 2025 – 2030 (PDF, 2.09 mb)

Why get involved?

What is important to you in terms of local biodiversity? Let us know!

Ensuring local knowledge feeds into the process is key.

Getting involved in the discussion will help identify local issues and needs, thereby informing the development of the action plan. Don’t assume someone else has put forward the same idea or proposed action as you.

Everyone has a role to play in the protection and restoration of nature and it is important that we, in Meath, play our part.

How to get involved?

There are several ways that you can share your views or make a submission at this pre-draft stage of the process.

Online information session – 30th April

To register for the online information session on 30th April, click on the link below or email biodiversity@meathoco.ie

Register for Information Session – Meath Biodiversity Action Plan 2025 – 2030 Pre-Draft Public Consultation

By post :

FAO Biodiversity Officer, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291.

Online :

Via the Meath County Council Consult Website: https:/consult.meath.ie/en/surveys

In-person walk-in events or online events:

Meath Biodiversity Action Plan 2025 - 2030 Consultation - In-person walk-in events or online events timetable. Contact biodiversity@meathcoco.ie for further info.

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