National Lottery Good Causes Awards 2024
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The National Lottery are seeking entries to this year’s Good Causes Awards. The competition will culminate with a National Final awards ceremony which will take place on the 12th of October 2024 in Killashee House Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare.
Who can enter this year’s awards?
You can enter the National Lottery Good Causes Awards if you or your organisation, project or club has received funding through the following National Lottery part-funded schemes between 2019-2023:
- Sport – Winning through inclusion
This category is open to any sports club who received a Sports Capital Programme Grant (Capital or Equipment) or any organisation who received funding issued through Sport Ireland. - Arts & Culture – Celebrating Irish creativity
This category is open to any individual or organisation who received a grant from the Arts Council of Ireland. - Heritage – Protect, preserve and promote
This category is open to any organisation who received a grant from the Heritage Council of Ireland. - Youth – Nurturing Ireland’s next generation
This category is open to any organisation or youth club who received funding from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth through a UBU Your Place, Your Space grant, the Targeted Youth Funding Schemes or Youth Information Centres. - Health and Wellbeing – Promoting healthier and happier communities
This category is open to any organisation or community group who received funding through the HSE National Lottery Grant Scheme. - Community – Enriching the fabric of Irish Life
This category is open to any organisation who received National Lottery Good Causes funding through the Department of Rural and Community Development, namely the SSNO grants (Support National Organisations) or the Senior Alert Schemes. - Irish Language – Cothú grá na cainte
This category is open to any organisation who received an Irish Language Support grant issued through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
Further information is available at the link below: