National Disability Strategy: call for written submissions
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth are leading the development of a new National Disability Strategy. DCEDIY have requested the National Disability Authority to lead on certain elements of the consultation.
The consultation consists of a number of strands including online thematic focus groups, a national questionnaire and town hall style in person meetings. There will be more information here in the coming weeks. There is also an option to make a video submission – see here for an ISL video on how to make a submission .
Disability organisations and in particular Disabled Persons Organisations (DPO), are invited to make a written submission. The national questionnaire will be available for individuals but if you are not part of an organisation and would like to make a written submission you are welcome to do so.
We ask that in your responses you focus on solutions and tangible actions that can be done to improve the lives of persons with disabilities.
Please answer the questions below and submit to by Friday 12 January 2024 .
National Disability Survey Written Submission Template – Download
We ask that you please adhere to the word counts provided. An A4 page with single spaced text font 12 is between 400 and 500 words.
Note: We recognise that some DPOs prefer the term Disabled Persons Representative Organisations (DPRO).
You can also post your submission to NDS Consultation, National Disability Authority, 25 Clyde Road, Dublin 4.