“The Road to Kells – Prehistoric Archaeology of the M3, Navan to Kells and N52 Kells Bypass Road Project” – lecture on 20th September 2023 7.30pm – Meath Archaeological & Historical Society

The lecture “The Road to Kells – Prehistoric Archaeology of the M3, Navan to Kells and N52 Kells Bypass Road Project” will be given by Fintan Walsh (Archaeological Project Director) and Jerry O’Sullivan (Transport Infrastructure Ireland Archaeologist).
The book, The Road to Kells by Fintan Walsh (TII Heritage 12) can be ordered from Wordwell Books and is free to view in digital format on the TII website.
Venue: Kells Courthouse Tourism and Cultural Hub –
Wednesday 20th of September at 7.30pm Admission is free.