Call out for nominations to the National Youth Assembly of Ireland 2023/2024: closing date 24th May
The National Youth Assembly of Ireland was established in 2022 by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. The Assembly is an overarching structure to provide a systematic means of capturing the voices of young people in Ireland on issues that are important to them and feeding this directly into government policies. The Assembly has been in operation for 18 months and we are currently recruiting our second group of sitting delegates. 60 young people, aged 12-24 years will be invited to sit for a term of 18 months (July 2023 – December 2024).
There will be a maximum of 4 Assemblies per year with accompanying preparation and evaluation meetings. There may also be opportunities to take part in Youth Advisory Groups and National Forums throughout the year. Everything you need is in the accompanying information sheet including a link to the application form and information for the young people and their families.
What do organisations need to do?
- Read the accompanying information sheet.
- Identify a young person/people who may be interested in this opportunity.
- Organisations can nominate up to three delegates. If you are a large organisation with different groups/branches or projects please feel free to circulate this call out to them. Each group/branch/project can nominate their own three nominations.
- Contact the young person and their parent/guardian.
- Fill in the nomination form:
- Send the application form link and Delegate/ parent information sheet (attached) to the young person and parent/guardian.
- Nominations are not complete until we have received both the Nomination form and Application Form.
- Submit the completed forms by the closing date of 24th May 2023 at 12 noon. If you have any difficulties with these forms please contact
Additional information on the Assembly is available on our National Youth Assembly of Ireland webpage.
Further information on this call out is available online here in video, audio and simple language formats.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact: Stephaine Cook on 086-6017337 or