CLM Training: Public Bodies’ Statutory Equality & Human Rights Duty – 18 May 2023

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Community Law and Mediation (CLM) Training – Public Bodies’ Statutory Duty to Eliminate Discrimination, Promote Equality, and Protect Human Rights of Staff and Service Users


Community Law and Mediation will deliver training on:

An Overview of Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty

  1. Who the duty applies to
  2. Equality and Human Rights Sources:
    • Equality Legislation
    • Constitutional Rights
    • European Convention on Human Rights
    • Other International Treaties and Conventions
  3. Implementing the duty in a public body
  4. The role of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission in promoting and monitoring the implementation of the duty
  5. Accountability of public bodies in implementing the duty
  6. Pilot Case Studies.


Date: Thurs 18 May 2023

Time: 10am – 1pm by zoom

Cost: Free (only 2 people per organisation)

Maximum of 30 on training to facilitate discussion.


To book your place please send an email to  education@communitylawandmediation.ie 


This course is funded by the Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission (IHREC)

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