Sonairte: Talk About Trees – Saturday 12th November 11am – 3pm

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Sonairte Community Tree Nursery: Talk About Trees – Saturday 12th November 11am – 3pm

Join us on Saturday the 12th of November for a in depth look at Irelands need to focus on
our native trees and the everyday importance they play in our lives.

On the day we will have a presentation by renowned expert Gerard Clarke who spent many years  with CRANN, Ireland’s leading voluntary tree organisation, dedicated to the promotion and protection of our trees, hedgerows and woodlands.

We will cover the topics of Irelands tree biodiversity, our native species, how trees can be wildlife  corridors and improving Irelands tree canopy, as well as the importance of trees in addressing the  climate crisis and biodiversity crisis. After the presentation we will have a walk through our nature trail and look at the various species of trees that are thriving in this environment and how tree projects can be established by Tidy Towns committees, Estate management committees, Pride of Place, Schools, businesses and even your back garden.

We will also have a practical demonstration from Gerard Clarke on the planting of saplings and  establishing them in areas where they will thrive and bring the greatest impact to biodiversity.

This workshop is aimed at community leaders and members of the general public who after this  event will have the skills to grow their own trees from seeds to saplings and be able to bring new  tree life to their areas with an expert touch. 

From this event you will be able to:

  • Help improve the environment for those who live in your area by establishing new
    biodiversity habitats.
  • Help to protect our natural heritage by helping to restore native Irish trees 
  • Have a positive impact on the public and schoolchildren who can be involved in helping save Irelands native trees


Free tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.

Tickets are free please book on Eventbrite or see the Sonairte website Courses and Events page.

For further details please email amaia@sonairte.ie


In 2021 Sonairte – The National Ecology Centre in Laytown, County Meath secured funding under the LEADER programme through the Meath Local Action Groups (LAGs) to develop a Biodiversity Action plan for East Meath “From the Nanny to the Boyne” with a specific focus on the preservation of existing biodiversity and creation of wildlife corridors between existing habitats.

The main function of the Sonairte Biodiversity Action plan is to provide a framework and series of actions to conserve, enhance and raise awareness of the rich biodiversity, and to propose strategies and initiatives to protect and support it. A specific focus of these actions is enhancing “wildlife corridors” to link existing pockets of biodiversity, thereby providing an enlarged and functional habitat.

In September 2022 we gratefully received funding via Meath Country Council under the Local Biodiversity Action Fund. As part of this Sonairte will build on the BAP and create a native tree nursery.

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