Scheme to Support National Organisations (SSNO) 2022-2025: Pobal & DRCD

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Purpose of funding

Administered by Pobal on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development, the overall aim of the SSNO is to provide multi-annual funding towards the core costs of national, community and voluntary organisations in Ireland. The scheme assists organisations to operate and fund core staff positions.

The SSNO primarily focuses on the provision of core funding to national organisations that:

  • provide supports (both direct and indirect) to those who are disadvantaged;
  • demonstrate good governance;
  • deliver services and supports that have a focus on one or more of the following: addressing poverty, addressing social exclusion, promoting equality.


Organisations are able to apply for;

  • Minimum grant award of €30,000 per annum for up to three years funding
  • Maximum grant award of €100,000 per annum for up to three years funding



Application submission window:: 10th February to 24th February 2022

There will be a window of two weeks to complete and submit your online application form from the date the online application form opens on the 10th February 2022, to the closing date of the 24th February 2022.


Please find programme details and application information at the link below:


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