Shine: Recruiting for Sharing the Vision NIMC Reference Group – Service Users, Family Members & Carers

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Shine is currently recruiting individuals to become members of a National Reference Group to support the National Implementation Monitoring Committee for Sharing the Vision.

A reference group is being established consisting of service users, family members & carers (SUFMC) who will ensure the values of ‘recovery’ and ‘person centredness’ are prioritised in all aspects of the policy implementation.

Are you interested in becoming a member?


As part of the Department of Health’s (DoH) plans to ensure an effective, accountable and evidence-based implementation of our national mental health policy, Sharing the Vision – A Mental Health Policy for Everyone, the Department has established a National Implementation Monitoring Committee (NIMC). One of the key priorities of NIMC is to ensure that the values of ‘recovery’ and person centeredness’ espoused in Sharing the Vision are prioritised in all aspects of the implementation of the policy.

To achieve this, having access to an informed Service User, Family Member, Carer (SUFMC) and public voice is paramount. The NIMC Steering Committee/DoH has asked Shine to host a suitably skilled and resourced Reference Group to provide that perspective as part of the implementation monitoring function.

This Reference Group has been convened for an initial term of three years and will meet on a quarterly basis (or as necessary) to advise the NIMC Steering Committee as part of official reporting processes.



You are one of the following:

  • mental health service user
  • family, friend or carer/supporter of someone with a mental health difficulty
  • have an interest in mental health care and services


You have an interest in:

  • the implementation of policy in mental health, especially in relation to improving engagement, based on principles such as co-production and person-centredness
  • work that embeds the importance of the policy being connected and grounded in views of those with lived experience
  • reviewing and considering reports and providing feedback


You have the time and ability to attend meetings on a quarterly basis.

  • The meetings will use a hybrid approach of online and face to face based on government guidelines. Meetings will be held in accessible venues in Dublin. Please note that there is no payment for participation in this project (there presently is no Government policy for remuneration of services by service users, carers etc. but there will be reimbursement for travel and subsistence in line with Shine’s policy).


For further information and application details please contact us at recruit@shine.ie


Please copies of documentation below:

STV NIMC Reference Group Recruit Members Description for EOI

STV NIMC Reference Group Recruit Members Advert

Privacy statement NIMC applicants

STV NIMC Reference Group Application Form


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