ABC of Trauma: Half Day & One Day Trauma Informed Training for Services in Meath

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Tusla Louth Meath in collaboration with Meath CYPSC have commissioned Rock Pool to deliver the ABC of Trauma to organisations in Meath that work with children and families who have been affected by trauma. Rock Pool is a leading company that deals specifically within the realms of trauma and trauma based training modules.

The ABC of Trauma training will enable delegates working with adults, children, and young people to understand the impact of trauma, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), toxic stress and Trauma Informed practice.  It looks at how trauma at an early age manifest itself in behaviour for children, young people and adults and how this impacts life choices. It also looks at triggers and the protective factors that mitigate the impact so that delegates can confidently support clients build resilience.


The ABC of Trauma – Tier 1 – Introduction & Awareness Half Day Trauma Informed Training:

This is a 3 hour session targeting managers and community leaders. It informs us of the impact of early childhood trauma and how it can display itself in your area of work – and more importantly how knowing about trauma can reduce the impact on children, families and help improve our own service delivery. More information on this course can be found at: https://rockpool.life/course/abc-of-trauma-introduction-and-awareness-tier-one-training-2/

We have two dates and times available for the ABC of Trauma – Tier 1, and you can register for either session using the links below:



Please note that there are 40 places available for each session so it is advised to register early to avoid disappointment.



The ABC of Trauma – Tier 2 –  Full Day Course

This is for practitioners and front line workers who work directly with children and families that may have experienced early childhood trauma. Unfortunately, as you may be aware, trauma is a lot more common than people believe – with over two thirds of our population having experienced some form of trauma as a child. Understanding trauma, and how it impacts on young people and their families, is the first step in becoming trauma aware in our practice – therefore enabling us to mitigate the impact of trauma experienced by the families and children we work with on a daily basis. More information on this course can be found at: https://rockpool.life/course/abc-of-trauma-practitioner-tier-two-training/

The ABC of Trauma – Tier 2 training is one full day online course, with the option to register for either the 1st or 2nd of March using the links below:



Please note that there are 25 places available for each session so it is advised to register early to avoid disappointment.


We are asking both you and your staff team to take part and promote this training as we aim to become a better informed county wide community of practice. Note: You do not need to attend Tier 1 to attend Tier 2.  If you’re dealing with clients affected by trauma on a day-to-day basis the ABC of Trauma – Tier 2 is likely to be the more appropriate course.

Understanding trauma helps us build resilient communities, families and children. Please join us and help build a better, more resilient community in Co. Meath.

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