New guidelines for Local and Economic Community Plan (LECP) development

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The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, have launched new guidelines on the development of Local and Economic Community Plans.

Please find a link below to download:

LECP Guidelines 2021 – pdf


Updated guidelines focus on sustainable development and increased collaboration with communities

Local and Economic Community Plans (LECPs) detail how Local Authorities will support economic and community development in their areas over the next six years.

The new guidelines will assist with the development of the plans for local areas, with a key focus on sustainability, consultation and engagement with local communities and businesses.

The guidelines will require Local Authorities to consider housing needs when formulating both the economic and community elements of their LECPs in accordance with the commitment in Housing for All, the Government’s national plan for housing to 2030. With the current Local and Economic Community Plans coming to an end of their current terms in 2021/2022, these new revised guidelines build on the lessons learned from the current LECP cycle, as well as reflecting the needs of communities as we emerge from the Pandemic.

The new approach to the process will ensure LECPs are more agile and allow for emerging needs.

The new guidelines reinforce the important role of communities in determining the needs and priorities of their local area.


Press release here:  https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/59c83-ministers-humphreys-and-obrien-launch-local-economic-and-community-plans-guidelines-2021/

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