Community Integration Workshops: November 2021

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Counties Louth and Meath have adopted a joint Migrant Integration Strategy with a shared vision to co-ordinate the delivery and ongoing monitoring of the strategy ensuring the active engagement of all stakeholders in its delivery.

We are rolling out 4 virtual workshops to community groups to encourage the integration of migrants into the community through the involvement of their local community groups. The workshops will cover a wide range of areas and topics connected to integration and migrant inclusion

A representative from your group can attend one, several, or all the following workshops by registering their details. If oversubscribed, extra workshops will be scheduled in 2022.


Workshop 1Thursday 4th November 2021 7-9pm

Theme:  Getting the basics right: understanding of critical areas

Learning objectives:

  • Exploring common myths and our own bias about migration
  • Understanding key concepts around migration based on diversity and inclusion principles


Please find a link below to register:



Workshop 2:  Tuesday 9th November 2021  7-9pm

Theme: Inclusive programmatic approach: from design of programmes to accountability methods 

Learning objectives:

  • Ensuring diverse feedback mechanisms
  • Monitoring programmes to ensure they are inclusive of migrant
  • How to improve accountability even in informal groups


Please find a link below to register:



Workshop 3:  Thursday 11th November 2021  7-9pm

Theme: Meaningful Engagement of migrant’s communities

Learning objectives:

  • How local groups can reach out to migrants: practical tools and methods
  • Effective communication & culture
  • How to promote a positive and diverse cultural environment
  • Learning the value of working in partnership and connecting with organizations working with migrants


Please find a link below to register:



Workshop 4:  Tuesday 16th November 2021  7-9pm

Theme: Transforming practices: be an agent of change and inspire others

Learning objectives:

  • The role of adult education in hosting communities: how communities can learn to be more accepting, and promote good practices
  • Bringing awareness on the importance of individual practices: involve others that haven’t been involved with migrant groups, be inform of human rights frameworks/SDGs/ national policies


Please find a link below to register:


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