Policing Authority: Public consultation on policing priorities

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The Policing Authority has launched a Public Consultation on Policing Priorities for the Garda Síochána for 2022.

The consultation, which is open to all, will be carried out using a new, online tool. It is hoped that individuals from a broad and diverse cross-section of society will take the opportunity to give their views on how policing resources may be allocated.

Please find a link to the online consultation portal below:



The Policing Priorities are determined annually by the Authority and set out the areas of policing that it believes the Garda Síochána should focus its attention, time and resources on, in any given year. The consultation tool allows you to spend ‘points’ on the policing activities that you consider a priority. The tool is user-friendly and accessible, and the consultation can be completed in 12 minutes.


Policing Authority Chair, Bob Collins commented:

“An important element of the current legislation is that the authority determines, in consultation with the Garda Commissioner, the Policing Priorities for the Garda Síochána. This Public Consultation offers an excellent opportunity for people to have their say on what they believe our police service should prioritise. It is important that communities and individuals have an opportunity to input into the development of the priorities. We can’t assume that their views are known or will always align with those of the Garda Síochána as to what policing best delivers a sense of safety and security in the community. Including more voices and perspectives in this important debate will significantly help the process.”

To participate, please go to www.policingauthority.ie. The Public Consultation will run until 31 May 2021.

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