Healthy Ireland/Keep Well – Sustainable Gardening Course – Growing Together with Aoife Munn

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Meath County Council is delighted to offer  a course called “Growing Together” with Aoife Munn as part of the Keep Well campaign.

It is a week by week guide to growing vegetables and pollinator friendly plants.  The course covers, pricking out seedlings, looking after trees in pots, organic vegetable growing and much more.

If you would like a place on this course click the link below with the time that most suits you.  We will be running the course at 11.30am and 7pm on Thursdays starting 6th of May (places are limited and will be on a first come first served basis).  Please click one or other and not both as it is the same course.


The courses will be run on Thursdays for 5 weeks starting on the 6th of May.  For more details and to register click the link below;

This is for the 11.30 am course


This is for the 7pm course



This KEEP WELL campaign is brought to you with thanks to Healthy Ireland an initiative of the Government of Ireland with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund and the Sláintecare fund delivered by Pobal.

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