How to save energy at home: Information sessions from Trim SEC

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As part of Trim Sustainable Energy Community’s mission to make Trim a more sustainable place to live and work, we’re organising online information sessions for those in the Trim area interested in creating warmer and more sustainable homes or premises.

We’d like to share these information sessions with voluntary groups in the Trim area.

What the sessions will cover:

  • Three chances to attend the Basic Introduction to Energy interactive session (dates below).
  • A qualified Energy Specialist will advise on how to reduce bills and make homes/premises more sustainable.
  • Energy efficiency grants available to homeowners, business owners and community groups; and how to sign up for them.
  • Renewable energy – what it is and how to harness it as an individual or community.
  • Numbers are limited per session, please sign up by clicking on the dates below to secure a place.

Basic Introduction to Energy, 7.30pm, Thursday 25th March

Basic Introduction to Energy, 7.30pm, Thursday 8th April

Basic Introduction to Energy, 7.30pm, Thursday 22nd April

These sessions will be run in partnership with LEADER, Meath County Council, and Dunleer Energy Team.

We look forward to you joining us!

Trim Sustainable Energy Community

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