Parenting When Separated: FREE Online Talk for Parents

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‘Parenting When Separated’, a FREE online talk for parents

Date: Friday 19th March 2021

Time: 12.00p.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Prof John Sharry

Drawing on the evidence-based Parents Plus Programmes, John Sharry describes practical ways parents can help themselves and their children cope and thrive after separation.  In particular the talk will describe how you can learn to

  • Communicate and co-parent effectively with your children’s other parent
  • Maintain the quality of your parenting
  • Tune into and respond to your child’s needs
  • Prioritise your own self care as a parent
  • Minimise post separation challenges and changes


To reserve a place for yourself or to refer another parent please follow the link: https://www.parentsplus.ie/post/parenting-when-separated-a-free-online-talk-for-parents-19th-march/

The full Parents Plus Parenting when Separated Course is being run over six weeks for parents in partnership with Parentline starting Thursday 15th April, 7:30 – 9:30p.m.  For more details to book a place or to refer a parent please go to www.parentline.ie/courses

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