County Meath Strategy for Housing People with a Disability 2021-2026: consultation

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Co. Meath’s Housing & Disability Steering Group, coordinated by Meath County Council, has started work on drafting a new action plan in regard to housing persons in the County who are living with a disability. Our local action plan will feed into the new national strategy, due to be developed later this year.

The Steering Group is made up of representatives from Meath County Council’s Housing Section, HSE, Approved Housing Bodies and groups involved with persons with a disability.

The Group’s goal is to meet the housing needs of people with disabilities locally, with a focus on forward planning, both in terms of need and also having suitable houses and health & welfare supports available to meet that need in a timely manner.

As part of the process in drafting the new action plan, the Steering Group is keen to get the views from people with lived experiences, as well as all groups, agencies and representatives involved with persons with a disability.

You can contribute your views through our online survey which will open from Tuesday, March 16th until Friday, April 12th, 2021.

If you wish to find out more about the work of Meath’s Housing & Disability Steering Group and be informed further on the draft strategy as it is developed, please contact the Housing Section by e-mail housingdisabilitystrategy@meathcoco.ie



Source: https://www.meath.ie/council/news/county-meath-strategy-for-housing-persons-with-a-disability-2021-2026

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