Health Issues in the Community Training: Meath Partnership

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Meath Partnership will be hosting three half day workshops on the 14th, 15th and the 21st April on “Health Issues in the Community”.

Health Issues in the Community (HIIC) is an accredited course that will help people to understand what affects their health and the health of the community. This qualification will make you a trained tutor in this area. The course will be ran by experienced tutors from Scotland. HIIC supports people of all ages to develop the skills and knowledge to address health issues using community development approaches.

Through the course participants will gain a broad understanding of the social model of health, health inequalities, power & participation and community development approaches in health – and how they can use these to make change happen in their communities.


What you need to do to attain the tutor accreditation:

  • Pre course reading to prepare for the training course.
  • Fully attend and participate in the 3 half day training.
  • Complete a learning log.
  • Undertake practice delivery sessions equivalent to 8 -10 hours of delivery time within 6 months of completing tutor training.
  • Complete a briefing note for each practice development session delivered.
  • A written reflective account of your learning of delivering the practice sessions.


Please contact Lorraine Owens (lorraine.owens@meathpartnership.ie, telephone 085 252 4333) by March 26th, to see if you are eligible for a place on this free accredited course.

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