Public Consultation on the development of new Solid Fuel Regulations for Ireland

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The Government has committed to a nationwide ban on smoky coal by the end of its term, but we also need to regulate other solid fuels to improve air quality for everyone. The choices we make when heating our homes has a big impact on our health and the health of our neighbours.

We are developing new solid fuel regulations for Ireland and are holding this public consultation to gather your views to inform them.

Please find a link to the consultation document below:

Consultation on the Development of a new Solid Fuel Regulation for Ireland



This consultation has two strands, public engagement and a technical consultation.


Technical Consultation

We are looking for technical information that will support the development of legislation to regulate the broader use of solid fuels in the residential sector.

If you would like to make a technical submission, you can

  • complete this online questionnaire, or
  • send a detailed submission by email to SolidFuels@decc.gov.ie or
  • by post to: Public Consultation on Solid Fuels, Air Quality Division, Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, Newtown Road, Wexford, Y35 AP90


The closing date for submissions is 5.30pm Friday 2 April 2021


Public Engagement

In addition to the technical consultation, we also want to hear from the public about your fuel choices and your needs when heating your home.

This shorter survey can be completed anonymously online. You do not need any technical knowledge to complete the survey.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hosts information about Ireland’s air quality on its website. The Air Quality Index for Health and real-time air quality data is also available online.


Town Halls

We are holding a series of Virtual Town Hall meetings for those who would like to find out more about solid fuels, air quality and health.

Speakers will include medical professionals and air quality experts, as well as information from the SEAI on home energy grants and supports.

If you’re concerned about air quality in your area, or would like to find out more about the impact of solid fuels on our health, you can register to attend one of the meetings below:


Source: https://www.gov.ie/en/consultation/5de58-public-consultation-on-the-development-of-new-solid-fuel-regulations-for-ireland/ 

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