N2 Rath Roundabout to Kilmoon Cross – Public Consultation No. 3

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The 3rd Public Consultation for the N2 Rath Roundabout to Kilmoon Cross Scheme has just commenced.

Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, in-person events are not permitted and as such the project team from Roughan & O’Donovan AECOM Consultants are facilitating public participation via an online virtual public consultation event through the scheme website.

Interested parties are invited to log onto the website to view the Public Consultation Drawings, Brochure and Questionnaire online at: www.N2Rath2Kilmoon.ie


The online virtual public consultation commenced yesterday Thursday 4th March and runs until Thursday 25th March 2021.

During this public consultation, we are inviting feedback on the Emerging Preferred Option. Submissions can be made electronically via the virtual consultation room which can be accessed on the project website or by completing the enclosed feedback form.

The project team can be contacted by email at: N2Rath2Kilmoon@aecom.com

For directly affected landowners, a virtual meeting can be arranged with the project team via this virtual consultation room also.

Notices  promoting this online public information event, have  been placed in this week’s issue of the Fingal Independent edition and in the Meath Chronicle and social media posts by both Fingal County Council and Meath County Council.

There are also  roadside banners erected in the vicinity of Kilmoon Cross and Rath Roundabout to inform passing traffic of the online event.  All residents, landowners and commercial properties within the study area will receive a copy of the brochure by means of a letter-drop.


Thank you

N2 Rath to Kilmoon Project Team


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