FASN International Family Drug Support Day

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Over the past few years, the Family Addiction Support Network (FASN) has celebrated the annual International Family Drug Support Day on 24th February and organised an information/awareness event at their premises in Dundalk for family members, public representatives, statutory agencies, and other C&V organisations. 


The aim of the event was to introduce those attending, to the work of the Family Addiction Support Network, helping them to understand the necessity of families being supported and included in the treatment & rehabilitation of their loved one and to create public awareness of the impact of drug-related violence/intimidation has on the local communities. And finally, collectively, we all need to break down the stigma and isolation experienced by drug users and their families within our communities which often creates barriers to people accessing support.


This year however, FASN will celebrate International Family Drug Support Day on Social Media, over a number of days comprising of the following events;


  • Launch our new ‘Take the First Step’ Family Support poster to create public awareness of the FASN service.
  • Showcase the National Family Support Network Video on Drug Debt Intimidation
  • Create awareness on the Drug Related Intimidation Reporting Programme’ initiative between The Garda National Drugs Unit and the National Family Support Network
  • Break down the barriers of Stigma postcard and presentation.


 You can view these on the FASN website: www.fasn.ie

and FASN FB page: www.facebook.com/fasnsupport/  


I have also attached a link for the FASN YouTube channel to view the 2021 FASN Stop the Stigma initiative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-Zs9davFSU


Many thanks


Jackie McKenna

Project Coordinator

Family Addiction Support Network

About the Author

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