Meath PPN Spring 2021 Training Programme: Now open for registration

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A range of courses will be available online over the coming weeks to support the work of Meath PPN members and build the capacity of groups in the network.

The courses are free and will be delivered by experienced trainers from Social Justice Ireland and the Carmichael Centre.

The classes cover a wide range of areas: from finance, to communication and what the PPN is itself. The  mix of subjects could help your group  with new ideas and guidance. The programme is an also an opportunity to support groups and work together.

The classes are an opportunity to learn about:

  • What is a PPN?: the structure and its potential for communities  (16th Feb)
  • Facilitation skills so that members feel heard & understood (23rd Feb)
  • Funding: Get some advice on application preparation and sources (25th Feb)
  • Effective communication for your group message or campaign  (2nd March)
  • Strategic planning: how to think ahead with goals, timeframe, workplans for your group (9th March)
  • What is the local government budget process? (16th March)
  • Managing finance: guidance on budgets, planning, costing  (18th March)
  • Data protection: understanding the law and its application (23rd March)
  • Company structure: the advantages for groups and requirements (25th March)


The classes are free to people from member groups of the PPN. Booking is required. Places will be allocated subject to demand and session capacity.

The classes will be held online. Links to live sessions and material will be emailed to registered participants.

Please find a registration link below with details & content for each course:




Training Schedule:

  • Fundamentals of the PPN – 16th February at 1pm
  • Facilitation Skills – 23rd February at 1pm
  • Funding Applications – 25th Feb at 11.30am
  • Communications and Advocacy – 2nd March at 1pm
  • Strategic Planning – 9th March at 1pmt
  • Local Government Budgets – 16th March at 1pm
  • Financial management – 18th  March at 11.30
  • Introduction to GDPR – 23rd March at 1pm
  • Companies Limited by Guarantee (CLG) – 25th March at 11.30



Course details:


The Fundamentals of the PPN

Live Session Tuesday 16th February 1pm-2pm

Facilitator:  Susanne Rogers, Social Justice Ireland 

Course content will be available one week prior to live session.

What is the PPN?

  • The Structure and the role of each element of that structure
  • The Stakeholders and their role


PPNs and Strategic Participation

  • Purpose and benefits of public participation for local authorities and PPNs
  • Strategic aspects of public participation
  • How the PPNs can support Local Government to shape policy for communities



Funding applications

Online Thursday 25th Feb 11.30am – 12.30pm

Facilitator: Liam Scollan, Carmichael

  • 4 ways of raising money in the not-for-profit sector
  • 20 tips for excellent application preparation, including
    • How to make applications compelling
    • Legal
    • Organisational type
    • Governance issues
    • Project framing and descriptions
    • Describing and presenting people and  networks
  • Communications
  • Planning
  • Q&A


Facilitation Skills

Live Session Tuesday 23rd February – 1pm-2pm

Facilitator:  Colette Bennett, Social Justice Ireland

Course content will be available one week prior to live session.

Getting Started, Getting Going

  • Effective Facilitation
  • Role of the Facilitator
  • Planning to Facilitate


Stopping and Starting

  • Role of Non-Verbal Communication
  • Questions
  • Active Listening
  • Problem Solving
  • Practical Considerations



Communications and Advocacy

Live Online Session Tuesday2nd March 1pm-2pm

Facilitator:  Susanne Rogers, Social Justice Ireland

Course content will be available one week prior to live session.

What is Advocacy?

  • Types of Advocacy
  • Effective Communication
  • Types of Communication


Representation and Advocacy

  • Positive Representation
  • Policy Impacts
  • Data Sources



Strategic Planning

Live Online Session Tuesday 9th March 1pm-2pm

Facilitator:  Colette Bennett, Social Justice Ireland

Course content will be available one week prior to live session.

Getting Started

  • Who are your Stakeholders?
  • Developing your Objectives (SMART goals)
  • Creating a short-, medium- and long-term strategy


Putting Strategy into practice

  • Developing Workplans and Workflows
  • Evaluation of Impact



Local Government Budgets

Live Online Session Tuesday 16th March 1pm-2pm

Facilitator: Susanne Rogers, Social Justice Ireland

Course content will be available in week prior to live session. 

The Budget Cycle

  • The National Budget
  • The Local Authority Budget
  • The Budgetary Process


Effective Pre-Budget Submissions

  • Brief introduction to Social Analysis
  • Effective Submissions
  • Data Sources



Introduction to GDPR

Live Online Session Tuesday 23rd  March 1pm-2pm

Facilitator: Colette Bennett, Social Justice Ireland

Course content will be available one week prior to live session.

The Legislation and How it affects you

  • An overview of Data Protection key terms and definitions
  • General Data Protection Regulations – what they mean in practice
  • 6 Principles and how they might apply to PPNs


Rights and Wrongs

  • Data Subject Rights and how to support them
  • Data Breaches and how to manage them



Financial management

Online Thursday 18th March 11.30am – 1.30pm

Facilitator: Liam Scollan, Carmichael

  • Key aspects of financial management
  • Fulfilling financial management requirements in the Governance Code
  • Preparing budgets and cashflows
  • Costing and value for money
  • Making the case for funding
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Q&A


Companies Limited by Guarentee (CLGs)

Online Thursday 25th March 11.30am – 1.30pm

Facilitator: Liam Scollan, Carmichael

  • Advantages and disadvantages of forming a CLG
  • What is involved in forming a CLG
  • CLG and regulatory requirements
  • How to ensure good governance in a CLG
  • Q&A

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