Men’s Health Forum in Ireland: event 10th December 2020

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The Men’s Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) would like to invite you to an online birthday party with a difference

 YOU get a very valuable present to take home afterwards!

MHFI is celebrating its 21st birthday this year.  To mark this achievement, we have undertaken a project called ‘Men’s Health in Numbers’.  We are now ready to launch the findings, and would like to invite you to a short webinar to hear the outcomes and get a free copy of the reports produced.

The Men’s Health Forum in Ireland was established in response to the growing recognition of the need to address the poor health status of males in Ireland.  However, one of the first challenges facing us was to gain access to reliable data upon which to plan future interventions.  This remains an ongoing concern for MHFI and, indeed, everyone who wishes to work in an evidence informed way.  ‘Men’s Health in Numbers’ sought to meet this need by producing:

  1. A substantive ‘Trends Report’, which gives a comprehensive overview of key health and wellbeing statistics on men and boys on the island of Ireland, and looks at how these have changed over time.
  2. A short, infographically-driven, lay-friendly ‘Report Card’, which highlights a number of contemporary headline statistics on men and boys in the Republic of Ireland.

You are invited to a webinar to launch both of these resources.  This free event will …

  • take place on Thursday 10th December 2020;
  • begin at 11.00am;
  • be held using ‘Zoom’;
  • include a presentation from the authors, international perspectives on men’s health from special guests, and a panel discussion on men’s health on the island of Ireland.

We would be delighted if you could join us!

If you would like to participate, you can register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_81vpnAnkTKKCKzM7NRFdDA    Please note that places are limited and will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis.

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