Be part of the AONTAS Community Education Census

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AONTAS would like to invite all community education groups to compete the survey, which was launched at the Community Education event, on 12 October and will remain open until 30 November (5pm).


Community education groups can complete the survey through the following link today:



The aim of the Census is to capture the breadth of provision across Ireland, identifying available courses, number of learners, funding streams, target groups and learner supports. This data is being gathered for the period of September 2019 to August 2020 and will result in the production of a virtual map on which we hope your organisation will feature. Groups do not have to be a current member of the AONTAS CEN to take part in this survey, and may leave the checkbox on the opening page (that asks whether you are s CEN member) blank.


As a pilot survey, initiated in a time of COVID-19, the research also gathers key data on the impact of COVID-19 on community education organisations in 2020. This data will be used to supplement research undertaken over the past number of months – including both learner and practitioner focus groups – and will contribute to a final report on “Community Education in a Time of COVID-19” to be published in 2021. In capturing the impact of COVID-19, the survey will allow us to identify key priorities for advocacy in the coming months.


We are eager for a wide range of community education organisations across the country to feature on the interactive map that will result from this research and to learn more about your experience during COVID-19.


We understand the pressures that daily work in this current context brings, but with your help we can raise the voice of community education and ensure it is adequately funded so we can achieve our collective goal of educational equality.



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