World Children’s Day – Friday 20th of November: Talks & Resources

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As we celebrate World Children’s Day on Friday 20th of November, we would like to share some helpful tips on connecting with your children.


Ombudsman for Children, Dr. Niall Muldoon, will presents ‘Child Talks 2020 – A Day in my Life’ :

From the environment to mental health, Child Talks 2020 will hear from children & young people on the issues that matter to them in their daily lives.

Child Talks is an annual event marking World Children’s Day that features a number of children and young people, up to 18 years, sharing important stories about their lives, which highlight an issue that’s important to them and children’s rights.

Head over to the Ombudsman for Children on World Children’s Day this November 20th at 11am to watch the show A Day In My Life


Five ways to connect with your children – John Sharry

Having a warm connected relationship with your children is definitely one of the most enjoyable aspects of parenting. Doing fun activities together, sharing experiences and having good conversations all make for creating deeply satisfying relationships between parents and children.
Such connected relationships have enormous benefits for children, in terms of building their self-esteem and confidence and providing them with a secure base in the world, as well as benefits for parents in helping them understand their children and putting them in a place of positive influence as their children grow up.  In the full article John explores five practical ways parents can  build a warm relationship with their children.
1.        Maintain a connection
2.        Get to know their special interests
3.        Try to have a daily ‘chatting’ time with each of your children
4.        Build shared hobbies together
5.        Take an interest in their friends and school work

Read the full article here


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