Your Country – Your Waste: campaign

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The “Your Country – Your Waste” campaign has been developed as part of the 2020 Anti-Dumping Initiative and includes a tailored suite of information and awareness messaging for use by Local Authorities, community and voluntary groups, schools and corporations during 2020 and into 2021. It will begin with a week-long social media campaign on mywaste.ie‘s social media platforms. 

The “Your Country – Your Waste” campaign delivers on a commitment made in the enforcement chapter of the recently-published Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy. It will highlight relevant contact numbers and email addresses to help make it easy for people to report illegal dumping. The campaign will enhance collaboration between the public and the relevant authorities on awareness raising and in taking action. 

All communication campaign assets are currently hosted on www.mywaste.ie/local-authority/. Local Authority assets consist of a series of localised posters and press adverts and generic digital media GIFs, static posts, a flyer and an animation. To access the local authority assets on the hub, please use the following password assets@adi on the local authority page. 

Community assets consist of generic posters, and the above-mentioned digital media content and will be available publicly on mywaste.ie.  

Local Authorities are at the forefront of delivering anti-dumping campaigns and messages and these new materials will greatly enhance your offering.  The utilisation of these materials by local authorities and communities will deliver a consistent anti-dumping message nationally. 

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