Meath Sports Strategy: Have Your Say

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We in Meath Local Sports Partnership (LSP) are in the process of developing our next strategy (2020 – 2024) which will outline our programme of work for the next five years. As part of this strategic review, we are undertaking a consultation process with our key stakeholders, which will include an online survey and a request for submissions.

As you are aware, the remit of Meath LSP is to increase participation rates in sport and physical activity across the ages in Co. Meath. We achieve this by delivering a range of opportunities directly to clubs, organisations, community groups & individuals within the county; we deliver programmes in partnership with National Bodies of Sport, with National & Local Agencies & Statutory bodies. Our target groups include, but are not exclusive to:

  • Children & Youth
  • Women in Sport
  • People with Disability
  • Older Adults
  • Minority & Ethnic groups & Disadvantaged communities
  • Men aged 55+


Perhaps your group have worked with us in the past either as a partner agency or have supported programmes we delivered to your population group, or maybe you availed of one of our training & education programmes; whatever capacity you have worked with us in the past, we are now inviting you to have your say in shaping our next strategy. We are asking groups/representatives to make a submission by return of email as to how both of our organisations could work together as part of this new strategy. We would appreciate if you could outline any potential synergies which your organisation may be planning over the lifetime of our plan in which we could collaborate. Areas to consider include:

  • How can we work together to increase participation levels in sport & physical activity
  • How can we work together to ensure our programmes reach and engage those harder to reach groups within our communities
  • Potentially new programmes on which we can either lead, co-deliver or support.


Perhaps you have an innovative idea which you would like to explore further. We welcome all submissions and suggestions and would love to hear from you.

Please send your reply to meathsportsstrategy@meathcoco.ie by 31st October 2020.

Thanking you in advance for your reply.

Meath Local Sports Partnership

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