Women & Racism in Ireland: Webinar  – 21st October

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The Women and Racism Webinar will be jointly held by the National Women’s Council, National Traveller Women’s Forum and AkiDwA and will be part of the Dublin Human Rights Festival. This is a free event where we will be discussing the experiences of racism for women in Ireland, the intersection of racism and sexism and how we can collectively build a society free of racism and one that respects diversity.

The webinar will be co-chaired by Orla O’Connor, Director of NWC and Maria Joyce, Coordinator of National Traveller Women’s Forum. We have a brilliant line up of speakers who will include:

Oluchi Porter, AkiDwA Board Member
Gabi Muntean, Pavee Point
Eileen Flynn, National Traveller Womens Forum
Ola Mustapha, Campaigner on Direct Provision

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