HSE Covid-19 Partner Pack update: 18th September 2020.

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HSE Communications Team: Partner Pack update of 18th September 2020.

We hope this message finds you well.  

We are grateful for your continuing support in helping to share information about COVID-19. Below are a few communications updates for you. 


Public Health Measures

The Government has today (18th September) announced that the county of Dublin will be placed on Level 3 of the Framework for Restrictive Measures. This action is based on a review of the current public health advice and is in response to the deteriorating situation with the virus in Dublin over the past number of weeks. Dublin will remain at Level 3 until 9th October, at which point the situation will be reviewed by the Government based on public health advice.

The rest of the country remains at Level 2 of the Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19 available here.


Symptoms & Testing TV ad

The HSE’s new COVID-19 Symptoms and Testing TV ad went live last Saturday, 12th August. The ad sets out the common symptoms of COVID-19 – cough, fever, breathing difficulties, changes to your sense of taste or smell – and encourages people to self-isolate and phone their GP if they have symptoms. The ad also highlights that the GP coronavirus consultation and COVID-19 test are free. You can watch our Symptoms & Testing ad on our YouTube channel. You can also download the Symptoms & Testing ad for sharing across your platforms. 


Remote Healthcare – new video

Over the coming months, anyone who has a healthcare appointment may be given the option to have a phone or video consultation instead of attending in person. This short video helps to explain how this works.  


Public Health Information

As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/ and https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/. Clinical and professional guidance relating to COVID-19 is available on www.hpsc.ie where you’ll find up to date guidance for healthcare settings and non-clinical settings. 

Please also check here for the most up to date partner resources for COVID-19.  

If your organisation has any specific requests in relation to COVID-19 public health information materials, please email us at Partner.Pack@hse.ie to let us know.  


We wish you good health and wellness. 

Many thanks, 

HSE Communications Team

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