Make Way Day 2020: 25th September

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Make Way Day 2020 :

National Day of Local Action

Friday, 25th September 2020 @ 11:00am

Friday 25th September 2020 is a very important date in our calendar. As you know ‘Make Way Day’ is a National Public Awareness Campaign to highlight the issues people with disabilities face getting around their local communities. “Hey, this blocks my way!” is the message. 

Each County Council is hosting a virtual Make Way Day Event on Friday, 25th September 2020 at 11:00am all over Ireland. 

Your local coordinator is here who will let you know how to get involved.  

This will be a virtual meeting where you can get involved with other disability and community groups in your county, or city to work with the council to take action on access in your locality. 

With so many events taking place around the country I would ask that you keep me posted of the meeting details and any actions that are agreed so that I can capture the diversity of events that are happening around the country. 

Please see the list for the contact details of your local DFI community development officer who will be available to assist you in the run up to the day and on the day itself. 

Make Way Day is less than two weeks away now from what will be a very different campaign day than previous years. So, come on and join the conversation, take this time to be part of the bigger Make Way Day story and generate a national conversation about accessibility in Ireland today.

Here is a twibbon for social media and instructions on use

We hope to see you with us on Friday 25th September 2020. 



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