Development Perspectives: Update on upcoming SDG events

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Some updates on Sustainable Development Goals which may be of interest…

The 5th anniversary is on route (25th of September) and we are hosting an online celebration. As part of the event, we have a short video produced specifically for the event from the permanent ambassador to the UN Geraldine Nason Byrne and the Department of Communications, Climate and Environment (DCCAE) will give a short input.

Eventbrite link: https://sdganniversary.eventbrite.com


There is an upcoming National Stakeholder Forum in the pipeline for the 24th of September which will be hosted by DCCAE to update the public on the new National Implementation Plan. Currently, the register hasn’t opened yet but would be worth keeping an eye here https://www.dccae.gov.ie/en-ie/environment/topics/sustainable-development/sustainable-development-goals/stakeholder-forum–/Pages/default.aspx


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