Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme 2020: closing date 2nd October

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Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme 2020
Closing Date: 2nd October


What is the Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme?

The Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme offers financial supports – provided by Sport Ireland – to local clubs, groups and organisations, nationwide who promote increased participation in recreational sport or physical activity for older people.

How does it work?

It aims to assist in the implementation of locally-developed, well-planned activity and sport initiatives. In particular, the scheme is aimed at:

  • Supporting the work of Age & Opportunity Active including the network of PALs (Physical Activity Leaders) and the development of Go for Life Games and other initiatives;
  • Assisting local clubs/organisations to enhance existing opportunities for their members in recreational sport and physical activity;
  • Assisting local clubs/organisations to start new initiatives geared at involving older people in recreational sport and physical activity.


In 2019, over €300,000 was awarded in grants all over Ireland. A total of 1084 grants were allocated with approximately 33,000 older people taking part in physical activity funded by these grants.

Since the start of the scheme in 2001 we have awarded over 15,000 grants and the total fund allocated to date is over €6 million.  This is a substantial investment in all of the great ideas and activities that groups have come up with over the last 19 years.  We know from the Sports Monitor mid-year report that more older people are participating in sport and we want to keep improving this figure.


Covid-19 Update

There will be a few minor changes as a result of the impact of Covid-19 and the restrictions imposed by NPHET.  It is important that you review the Terms and Conditions.


Clarification on unspent grant money from 2019

We understand that you may not have been able to spend your grant money received in December 2019  due to the national restrictions imposed from March 2020 . We have decided that you may carry that grant over to next year and still apply for the 2020 grant in September. This means you will be reporting in 2021 on how you spent both your 2019 and 2020 grant.

You may also redirect your grant to any online activity for your group as long as it involves physical activity e.g. some groups who were intending to do a series of yoga classes may now have the option to take part in an online yoga class instead as many yoga teachers are offering this as an alternative to face to face classes.

If you did manage to spend your grant this year you will report as normal by filling out the evaluation sheet on this year’s application.


What will be awarded?

Physical Activity Programme

For example:

  • (1) a five-week programme to introduce older people to an activity such as Go for Life Games, aerobics, aquafit, Tai Chi etc. The costs of hall hire and a qualified instructor might form part of the overall cost;
  • (2) an initiative by a sports club to involve more older people – the purchase of specialised equipment, facility hire or a qualified independent instructor might form part of the overall cost;
  • (3) a series of yoga classes delivered online to older people;
  • (4) an outdoor activity like cycling/walking programme.


Purchase of Equipment / Resource Materials

For example:

  • Go for Life Games equipment, pitch and putt set, physical activity kitbag, badminton racquets. Please note that, for the 2020 National Grant Scheme, Short Mat Bowling equipment will only be considered for joint applications where it will be shared by two or more groups.


Participation Events

For example:

  •  Organising regular Go for Life Games or a Sportsfest aimed at introducing older adults to a range of recreational sports.



How can I get involved?

The Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme opens for applications in August of each year.  The deadline for applications for this year’s allocation is 12 noon Friday 2nd October 2020. Please return your completed form to active.grants@ageandopportunity.ie.


Download the National Grant Scheme application form here.

Review the Terms and Conditions here.



For information speak to our Active Programme team.

Tel:  01 805 7733

Email:  active@ageandopportunity.ie

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