Third Age’s Navigate your Work Future: Webinar on CVs & Interviews – 20th August

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Third Age’s Navigate your Work Future: Webinar Series

This week’s FREE Webinar in Third Age’s Navigate your Work Future series  is with Sinéad English, Careers Consultant and founder of career management firm – Hilt.

  • Zoom webinar.
  • When: Aug 20, 2020 11:00 AM Dublin
  • Topic: How to write a great CV and excel at your job interview


Sinéad will focus on CVs, job applications and excelling at job interviews.

Sinéad would be happy to address any specific questions you may have. If possible, please email them to Liam Carey (lcarey@thirdageireland.ie) by Tuesday at 4pm and they will be forwarded and dealt with during the session on Thursday.


Please click on the link below to register:



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

should you have any difficulties, please contact Lcarey@thirdageireland.ie and he will ensure you have access.


About the Author

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