Launch of Disability Participation & Consultation Network EOI: Dept. Justice & Equality

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Launch of Expressions of Interest to establish a Disability Participation and Consultation Network

  • The newly established Disability Participation and Consultation Network will enable persons with a disability to be involved in the development of policy and legislation.
  • Funding is available for an organisation representing persons with disabilities to administer the network as an Organising Member.
  • Separate funding is also available for up to four Disabled Persons Organisations to provide training and support to persons with disabilities to be involved in the network.
  • The network will also be open to individuals and groups (non-grant funded) who will take part in network and ensure that as many persons with disabilities, in all situations can input into its work. Details of how to these members can apply will be announced at the end of August.
  • Consultation on Ireland’s Initial State Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with a Disability (UNCRPD) is an immediate task for the Network.


10 August, 2020

The Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Ms. Anne Rabbitte T.D. today announced the establishment of a Disability Participation and Consultation Network. The Network will provide a channel for involving persons with disabilities more meaningfully in the development of policy and legislation, in line with the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

Launching the funding for the network, Minister Rabbitte said:

“Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a priority for the Government. The Consultation and Participation Network will provide a new opportunity for persons with disabilities to be involved in the development of policy and legislation. 

“It is crucial that we hear the voices of persons with disabilities when developing policy on issues that affect them. Their lived experience provides vital information and expertise that will enable the Government and its agencies to develop policies and programmes that directly address needs.”

Minister Rabbitte announced that funding is available for an organisation representing persons with disabilities, or with experience on disability to administer the work of the Network. If an organisation wishes to take on this Organising Member role, it should apply to the Department of Justice and Equality. The Organising Member will be selected through a competitive process.  Its role will be to provide administrative and organisational support, including training, to the network.

Minister Rabbitte also announced that up to four grants will be available to organisations or groups representing persons with disabilities to develop their capacity and to their support members, to provide training and to run consultations on behalf of the network.  The grants will be selected through a competitiveness process.

Minister Rabbitte added,

“The network’s first task will be to organise consultations for Ireland’s first State Report to the UN on our progress in implementing the Convention. This is a very important role. I hope that organisations and groups will avail of the funding available to enable them to play an active role in the network.

“I look forward to announcing details of how individuals and groups can apply to join the network at the end of August and to working collaboratively with the network once it has been established.”

Further details of the Network, including details of how to apply for these roles are available on the Department of Justice and Equality website at:


The deadline for receipt of applications is 11am on Monday, 14 September 2020.


  • The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted in 2006. Ireland signed the Convention in 2007 and ratified the Convention in 2018. 
  • Ireland is due to submit its Initial State Report to the Committee.
  • Under the UNCRPD, the effective participation of, and consultation with, persons with Disabilities in the development of policy and legislation is crucial.
  • The National Disability Inclusion Strategy (NDIS) 2017 – 2021 is the key framework for policy and action to address the needs of people with disabilities. The Department of Justice and Equality is the lead department for this strategy.
  • Further details of the Disability Particpation and Consultation Network, including the application process and relevant documents are available on the Department of Justice and Equality website: insert link.
  • The Department of Justice and Equality is currently Ireland’s designated Focal Point and Coordination Mechanism under the UNCRPD. However, following the establishment of the Department of Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, this role will move from the Department of Justice and Equality to the new Department as part of the transfer of functions that is to take place.

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