Getting to know Sustainable Development Goals: online training 9th September

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Getting to know the Sustainable Development Goals: 


Everyone has a role to play in supporting Ireland progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ireland’s National Implementation Plan for the SDGs identifies the crucial role that Local Authorities have to play in translating the SDGs into practical action at a local level.


This September Meath PPN and Development Perspectives are offering a free online SDG training for those working in community development and/or volunteering within their community.


This training will offer participants an opportunity to explore further the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and see how they connect to their community. Participants will also have an opportunity to explore ways in which they can bring the SDGs further into their personal lives and/or community practice.


No prior knowledge about the Sustainable Development Goals is required for this training. This training will be held via Zoom.


Please email meathppn@meathcoco.ie to register

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