Meath Local Sports Partnership: August Update

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Please see Meath LSP’s planned programmes below. All programmes are delivered whilst adhering to current HSE guidelines.


  • COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme
  • Safeguarding 2 Club Children’s Officer Workshop
  • Safeguarding 3 Designated Liaison Person Workshop
  • Mature Movers
  • 0-3k Walk to Jog Programmes
  • GAA National Inclusive Fitness Day
  • European Week of Sport
  • Bike Week 2020


COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme

Meath Local Sports Partnership (LSP) as part of the Government of Ireland COVID-19 club small grant scheme is providing support to sports clubs and community groups based in Co. Meath. The grant scheme is designed to support clubs and groups (whose primary focus is the delivery of sport or physical activity), and who do not have the finances to implement COVID-19 related hygiene and social distancing protocols.

This grant can cover costs associated with the re-opening of sports clubs & physical activity and is intended to support the return to sporting & physical activities only.

The COVID-19 Club Small Grants can be used to support COVID-19 related expenditure dating from 2nd May 2020 onwards (date of publication of Government roadmap to recovery). Meath LSP and Sport Ireland will work together to ensure that the investment is distributed fairly. Every effort will be made to ensure that the wider sports community benefits from this scheme.

There is an upper limit of €1,500 per club/group; applicants will be assessed on demonstrable need. Decision of the committee is final, canvassing will disqualify. Clubs/groups should not feel that they have to apply for the full amount to be considered eligible for support.

This is an online based application – follow link: http://www.meathsports.ie/meath-lsp-covid-19-club-small-grant-scheme/

In exceptional circumstances, paper applications will be accepted (paper forms are available on request).

Conditions of the grant – clubs/organisations must:

  • Be based in Co. Meath
  • Be affiliated to a Sport Ireland recognised National Governing Body or disability sports organisation and/or operate as a not for profit with a primary purpose of encouraging sport and physical activity
  • Be open for public membership


If an organisation requires assistance in filling out the application form or has any queries in relation to the grant scheme please contact our office, by email: mlsp@meathcoco.ie or telephone: 046 9067337.

Closing Date for applications is Monday 31st August 2020 at 3pm.



Safeguarding 2 Club Children’s Officer Workshop

 15th October | 12th November | 6.30pm-9.30pm | Claremont Stadium, Navan

Every club involved with children and young people should appoint a Club Children’s Officer. They act as the link between the children and the adults in the club. It is essential that those who wish to attend have completed Safeguarding 1 Basic Awareness Training. Cost: €20 per person for clubs in Meath, €30 per person for clubs outside Meath.

Places are limited. To book a place, please call Lynn on 046-9067337 or email lynn.oreilly@meathcoco.ie.


Safeguarding 3 Designated Liaison Person Workshop

 28th September | 5th November | 6.30pm-9.30pm | Claremont Stadium, Navan

The third part of Sport Ireland’s Child Welfare & Protection Training Programme is the Designated Liaison Person workshop. Every club/organisation should designate a person to be responsible for dealing with any concerns about the protection of children. The Designated Liaison Person is responsible for reporting allegations or suspicions of child abuse to TUSLA Child and Family Agency and/or An Garda Siochána. It is recommended that this person is a senior club person.

It is essential that those who wish to attend this training have attended the Safeguarding 1 Basic Awareness in Protection Workshop. Cost: €20 per person for clubs in Meath, €30 per person for clubs outside Meath.

To book a place, please call Lynn on 046-9067337 or email lynn.oreilly@meathcoco.ie.


Mature Movers

Mature Movers seated exercise to music classes are back in September. Donore, Stamullen and Athboy have been confirmed. Other venues across the county will be announced soon. Keep an eye on our website for updates: http://www.meathsports.ie/older-adults/mature-movers-activity-programme/


0-3k Walk to Jog Programme

0 to 3k Walk to Jog Programme is a 6 week programme designed to equip complete beginners to increase walking fitness and progress to jogging with relative ease. It is a simple progressive programme that begins with more walking than jogging, and gradually evolves into more jogging than walking. This popular programme is available in 4 areas this September.

  • Navan – Claremont Stadium – starting Monday 14th September
  • Tara – Tara Running Track – starting Monday 14th September
  • Kells – Town Centre – starting Wednesday 16th September
  • Bettystown – to be confirmed


To register or for more details please contact Lisa on lodowd@meathcoco.ie



GAA National Inclusive Fitness Day

On 23rd September 2020, the GAA invites all clubs to open their doors to the wider community and support its first GAA National Inclusive Fitness Day! The event falls during the European Week of Sport (23rd-30th September) and aims to promote sport and physical activity to everyone regardless of age, ability, ethnicity, nationality, or fitness level.

For more information please see https://www.gaa.ie/nationalinclusionday or contact geraldine.mctavish@gaa.ie


European Week of Sport

European Week of Sport takes place on 23rd-30th September. The week is for everyone, regardless of age, ability, background or fitness level. The aim is to inspire everyone to #BeActive on a regular basis and create opportunities in peoples’ everyday lives to exercise more. All events and activities will be delivered in line with the most up to date public health guidelines. More details will be announced in the coming weeks and we look forward to celebrating European Week of Sport in September!


Bike Week 2020

Bike Week 2020 will take place from 19th-27th September. Bike Week is a celebration and promotion of all that’s great about bikes and cycling. Please keep an eye on our website for funding opportunities, free bike checks, fun cycles, lunchtime cycle events, school cycling events, and much more. There’s something for every age and ability. Join the fun at this year’s Bike Week. Where will your bike take you?


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