Irish Rural Link Series 2 – “The Value of the Irish Bioeconomy” , 23rd July 2020

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Irish Rural Link are inviting you to join them in conversation with Séamus Boland, CEO Irish Rural Link and incoming President of Group Three, European Economic and Social Council

As we discuss “The Value of the Irish Bioeconomy”

On Thursday 23rd July 10am- 11am

Joining the discussion are:

  • Patrick Barrett- Agricultural Inspector, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
  • Dr. Aideen O’Dochartaigh- Senior Researcher, BiOrbic Bioeconomy Centre
  • James Gaffey- Project Coordinator, Biorefinery Glas EIP-AGRI Project
  • Dr. Rosanna Kleemann- Post-doctoral Research Fellow, ABC Economy Project


Discussions around the Bioeconomy is relatively new and there is a growing desire to deliver more from the bioeconomy in terms of added economic value as well as outcomes that meet emerging social and environmental needs. This is driven by a variety of factors including a desire to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, increase resource efficiencies and to reduce waste, while supporting broader rural development strategies. Supporting the bioeconomy efficiently can offer an opportunity for rural investment and improved delivery of public goods including enhanced biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Irish Rural Link are encouraging all those who have an interest in exploring bioeconomy projects and policy in Ireland, to join us in this conversation on Thursday 23rd July from 10am to 11 am. .

To Register in advance for this webinar, see:


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