LivingWorks START – online suicide prevention training programme

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Due to the current restrictions, the face-to-face delivery of the suicide prevention training programmes available through the HSE Resource Service for Suicide Prevention has been paused until at least the Autumn pending public health information and guidance.  In the interim, the National Office for Suicide Prevention has obtained the licence to offer the Start online suicide prevention to those who may be interested in undertaking same.

LivingWorks Start Leaflet – pdf

START has been developed by Living Works, the same company who developed the SafeTALK and ASIST programmes. It is targeted at anyone over the age of 18 who wants to help prevent suicide and develop the skills to help someone who may be at risk of suicide. The aim of the programme is to help participants to identify people who are at risk of suicide, to confidently ask them about the topic of suicide and to connect them with resources that can help them stay safe (see information leaflet attached).  It can be completed in 1.5 hours and includes a four-step model to keep someone safe from suicide and impactful simulations which are undertaken and put into practice during the programme.

It is a Level 2 alertness skills programme. Whilst not as advanced as safeTALK or the two-day intervention skills workshop ASIST, it does, however, provide the opportunity for participants to:

  • Become more comfortable talking about suicide
  • Feel more confident in keeping a person safe in times of distress
  • Be able to support members of the community, friends and co-workers
  • Build personal professional skills
  • Have peace of mind knowing the readiness to help is obtained
  • Gain awareness of the supports and services that are available.


A licence is required by each individual to undertake the Start programme.  Licences are free to users, but limited. Therefore it is important that anyone who applies for a Licence is committed to completing the programme.

Please note that licences can obtained by each interested person making contact with Eddie Ward, Resource Office for Suicide Prevention for:

Longford/Westmeath:  eddie.ward@hse.ie

Louth/Meath:                   eddie.ward@hse.ie

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