Meath Child & Family Support Network Newsletter (7th Edition)

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Please find attached Edition 7 of the Meath Child and Family Support Network Newsletter – Local Service Delivery during Covid 19. The information in the newsletter is up to date as of the 18th of May 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Network Service delivery update, 7th Edition : PDF

Edition 7 of the newsletter combines the local service delivery from Edition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 with new updates on service provision which are highlighted below:

  • Page 20 – Service provision update from CAMHS during Covid 19.
  • Page 50 – Additional videos from The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland to provide practical help for families of young people with mental illness during Covid 19.
  • Page 86 – Enable Ireland, Service provision details during Covid 19.
  • Page 77 – Link to the Parentline information on Child to Parent Violence and Abuse  – written by Declan Coogan and Eileen Lauster
  • Page 87 – Information on the organisation HUGG – Healing Untold Grief Group and their supports
  • Page 88 – Information on the GOV.ie ‘In This Together Campaign’ with links to supports
  • Page 89 – Information from The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network and their support
  • Page 90 – Information from Autism Support Louth and Meath


The newsletter will be available on the Family Support Meath Website www.familysupportmeath.ie and on the National Children and Young People’s Services Committee website www.cypsc.ie.

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