An Mhí and You #InThisTogether: campaign to document our Covid experience

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We are in unprecedented times, our world as we know it has changed, it has grown smaller but has made us stronger and more resilient. We have come together, in solidarity, to protect those most vulnerable and to keep everyone safe. We are in this together.

Would you like to become involved in a once in a life time project? To create a snapshot in time of our wonderful county and how we are all in this together. In the future we can look back and reflect on this time. What we have learned about ourselves and everything that  is worth remembering. To document the Covid experience for future researchers and to archive this pivotal moment in time.

The Library Section, Climate Action Office and Tourism Office are collaborating on this exciting project and we need your help.


What can I do?

Write about, photograph or draw your Covid-19 experience.


What do I write about or photograph or draw?

  • How you, your family and friends are experiencing the Covid-19 #StaySafeAtHome? What are you doing? How has your working life changed?
  • Who are the people in your life? Or school life? How do you spend your free time? Have you taken up new hobbies or interests? Your pets?
  • What are you cooking or eating? How are you keeping fit? Has your lifestyle changed?
  • Have you reconnected with nature? Have you noticed any changes in nature or in your local biodiversity?
  • Are you seeing history or places of beauty in your locality in a new light? Old bridges, ringforts, graveyards? The places that connect us to previous generations?

It can be anything as this is your experience, your story, your record of these times.


Who can take part?

Anyone from 1 to 101! From any part of the county and from all walks of life.



Electronically, handwritten or maybe an oral history recording.


Closing Date for Submissions

Monday, May 25th 2020


How will I send it in?

Fill in the application form below and send your submission to climateaction@meathcoco.ie


Are there any rules?

Yes but rules you are now used to!

  • Respect the 2m social distancing.
  • All records must be within 5km of home.
  • If there are people in the photograph then you must ask for their permission to be photographed.
  • If recording anything in the natural world please do not disturb nature, so no records of nests, nesting birds or chicks, etc.


What will happen to the records?

These will be archived and will be important documents for researchers of the future. We will also, with permission, display a selection of the photos, pictures and written word through a library exhibition.


This is a chance to be part of something special. Not just for yourself but for everyone.  As we shape a new future we can look back to this unique time and be proud that we were #InThisTogether


Application Form for Photography (MSWORD, 20.86 kb)

Child Photography Consent Form (PDF, 39.74 kb)

Date Protection Statement (PDF, 107.15 kb)


Reference: https://www.meath.ie/council/news/an-mhi-and-you-inthistogether


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