One Family: parenting courses starting 12th May on Zoom

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Please see notification below of One Family’s parenting courses which are due to start on the 12th May 2020.  Due to the current Covid-19 crisis One Family are conducting all of their courses through Zoom.

If you are working with a parent that would be interested in participating in a course please fill in the attached professional referral form and return it to Lorraine Ryan; Administrative Assistant with One Family, lryan@onefamily.ie. Lorraine will register the parent.

One Family Professional Referral Form : download

Alternatively you can direct the parent to the One Family website www.onefamily.ie where they can register themselves, the course will cost €9.99.

Please click on the following link for more information about One Family parenting courses https://onefamily.ie/education-development/parents-programmes/


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