Jigsaw: Supporting Youth Mental Health

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Jigsaw provides a range of free mental health supports for young people. We are currently situated in 12 communities across Ireland, and we continue to expand.

Jigsaw helps young people (aged 12-25) who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health. The reasons that young people choose to come to Jigsaw are many and varied. They include things like low mood, anxiety, relationship or family issues, anger and stress. However, getting support early on can often nip problems in the bud before they develop into something less manageable. If a young person you know would like to access a Jigsaw Service, you can find out more here.

Jigsaw also recognises the important role that parents, family members, teachers and other adults play in supporting the mental health of young people. We work with communities, providing information, training and support, so that everyone can feel confident to support young people’s mental health.  As a parent there is a lot you can do to help support a young person’s mental health. You can access our online training courses for parents here.


Current supports available include:

Jigsaw Support Line on freephone 1800 544729 providing free, relevant and accessible mental health support, education, advice and guidance to children, young people and parents.

Text SMS 086 180 3880 and email supports help@jigsaw.ie are both operated by a group of Jigsaw clinicians, aimed at offering young people and parents options to get in touch and initiate a request fro a return call from a Jigsaw clinician.


Jigsaw published a review of it’s national Covid-19 response activity on April 30th:

Jigsaw_Covid19Reponse_30042020 (1)

Some of the key statistics are given below:




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