Garda: Home Crime Prevention & Scams Advice

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Crime prevention advice in relation to bogus callers/ rogue tradesmen

Security check/advice
•  Are you expecting callers? If not, look out the window to see the caller.
•  Have a viewer fitted in your door? You are safer behind a closed door.
•  Have a door chain / limiter fitted and keep the chain/ limiter on, if you must open the door use the limiter. There are electric doorbells that link to your mobile phone.
•  Make sure your back door is locked before you go to the door
•  If you are going to engage, ask for ID – a genuine caller won’t mind!
•  Don’t be embarrassed to tell the caller to write and make an appointment – use bogus caller check card – see attached.
•Use recommended tradespeople, avoid using the services of cold callers.
• The basic rule is if you don’t know the person at your door, you shouldn’t let them in.
•  If anxious contact your local Gardaí.

If you think you have become a victim to this type of crime what should you do?
• Never be embarrassed or ashamed to contact the Gardaí.  Do so immediately.
•  Write down all you can remember about what happened to include descriptions of the persons, their clothing, any peculiarities or distinguishing features and any vehicles used by them.  Keep safely any documents they may have given you.
• For those people who may have elderly or vulnerable neighbours or friends, be a good neighbour and advise them of these possible scams.  If you suspect that bogus callers or trades people are in your area and appear suspicious or are working in a vulnerable neighbour’s home – never hesitate in contacting the Gardaí immediately.
•  Genuine tradespeople will not be offended by any enquiries the Gardaí may make and, indeed, usually welcome them.
•  Ask your local Garda station about ‘bogus caller cards’. For people who feel particularly vulnerable these cards advise that the front door should not be open to cold callers. Apply the chain or door limiter and hand the caller the card, see attached. Do not enter into a conversation with the caller.  As stated above genuine callers will leave their details on the card.


Information Sheet – Older People Strategy




Contact information for Garda:

Meath Crime Prevention Officer Sgt Dean Kerins

The contact details for the four garda districts are
Navan 046-9036100 / 046-9021445
Ashbourne 01-8010600
Trim 046-9431222
Kells 046-9240999.
Also 999 / 112 to report an incident.

Community Gardai Navan
Sgt Liam McCarville, liam.a.mccarville@garda.ie
Garda Sabrina Murray, sabrina.a.murray@garda.ie
Garda Frank Scully, francis.g.scully@garda.ie
Garda Stacey Looby, stacey.m.looby@garda.ie

Kells: Community Garda Padraig Keegan, padraig.f.keegan@garda.ie

Ashbourne:  Community Garda Barbara Kelly, barbara.z.kelly@garda.ie

Dunshaughlin:  Community Garda Derek Halligan, derek.m.halligan@garda.ie

Trim:  Community Garda Edel  Dugdale, edel.m.dugdale@garda.ie

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