Update for PPN Members from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support

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Update 26th March

Dear Colleague,

We are very thankful for your ongoing support every day in helping to share information about Coronavirus COVID-19.

Below are a few updates for you:

Digital Partner Pack Update
The digital partner pack now includes the COVID-19 Information Booklet, which is being delivered to all households from this week onward. You can download the booklet here  

The COVID-19 Information Booklet is also available in Irish and in audiobook. We are working to make it available in a number of languages and formats – including audio and braille, which we will include on the digital partner pack as they are ready.

We are working with The Irish Deaf Society to develop sign language version of the COVID-19 Information Booklet. Additionally, we are looking to do sign language versions with them for: testing centre instructions plus aftercare.

Public Health Information
The HSE is currently utilising TV, radio and other forms of advertising for public health information on Coronavirus –  using this end line on the media :Protection from coronavirus – It’s in our hands  and #ItsInOurHands  #Covid19 (international)

For the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to




We would be grateful if you would let us know if your organisation has any specific requests or urgent needs in relation to Coronavirus COVID-19 public health information materials.

If you do, please email us at Partner.Pack@hse.ie to let us know. Thank you to those of you who have already been in touch.

Thank you in advance for your support at this important time.


Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support

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