Our County, Our Voice: What do we want for the future of Meath?

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A number of key strategies will be set in 2020 that will shape the future of Meath.


We need a clear vision from our communities of the values, priorities and actions that should be reflected in these plans.


We need to bring groups together and create this vision and the language to express it.


The tool we can use to create this vision & shape this language is the Community Well-Being Model under the brand of the Meath PPN.


Workshops in 2020 will take place on the dates below:

  • January 14th – Trim
  • February 4th – Navan
  • February 5th – Ashbourne


The power of your voice depends on the power of our shared voice.


Let’s come together and speak as one to the direction of Meath.


Please contact meathppn@meathcoco.ie for information.

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